It’s that time of year again…

It’s almost here… are you excited? No, we’re not talking about football season, we’re talking about dredging season! 🤓

Why a season, you ask?

Regulatory bodies have assessed that at certain times of the year, dredging will have less impact on aquatic life spawning, migration and habitat. Generally speaking, the next dredge window for the South Coast Region starts in November.

So what to do with the dredge?
Ocean dumping (Disposal At Sea) is an option, but the permitting process can be lengthy and difficult. Disposal at sea is not an option for contaminated dredge. There are also increasing concerns about the impact of sediment settling on ocean beds and harming marine life.

Landfilling is another option.
But dredge is a tricky material to both handle and dispose, and it needs to be stabilized before trucking. Many landfills aren’t set up to accept wet soils, and those that are may be further away. And because landfill rates are calculated by weight across the scale, stabilized material costs more to dispose.

Want to try something new?
Dredge is best transported by barge. GRT’s Resource Regeneration facility is the only permitted barge-accessible facility for contaminated and uncontaminated dredge on Vancouver Island. Our facility is conveniently located at Duke Point, and ideally situated to receive material from projects across the South Coast Region. Our rates are competitive because our process allows us to regenerate a high percentage of material for beneficial reuse.

Contact us to learn more.


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CWMA Fall 2022 Conference